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Masks cause increased CO2 intake, and increased CO2 intake potentially brings great harm to health

Short-term exposure shouldn’t pose a problem, however long-term excesses exposure should be paid attention to, taking into account the mask mandates they tried to impose during the corona crisis.

Croatian MEP Ivan Vilibor Sinčić and his colleagues from the European Parliament were right about the approach to the corona crisis. Another study shows that the impact of the face mask wearing can cause negative health consequences. These are the consequences related to excessive inhalation of CO2. Fresh air has about 0.04% CO2, while wearing masks for more than 5 minutes carries a possible exposure of 1.41% to 3.2% CO2 in inhaled air. Short-term exposure shouldn’t pose a problem, however long-term excesses exposure should be paid attention to, taking into account the mask mandates they tried to impose during the corona crisis.

Studies based on mammals have shown a number of possible consequences of long-term excessive intake of CO2. US Navy toxicology experts have set CO2 exposure limits for female-manned submarines at 0.8%, based on animal studies that have indicated an increased risk for stillbirths.

US Navy toxicology experts have set CO2 exposure limits for female-manned submarines at 0.8%

Furthermore, mammals that were exposed to the increased amounts of CO2 showed signs of neural damage in their offspring, and adolescent mammals showed reduced brain activity, increased anxiety and impaired learning. In addition, there is evidence of overexposure to CO2 causing testicular toxicity in adolescent mammals.

Mask mandates could turn out to be one of the worst decisions made by many governments around the world.

Given the fact that humans are also mammals, the fact that masks increase the amount of CO2 in the inhaled air is linked with the negative consequences of an increased amount of CO2 in other mammals, primarily rats.

“There is a possible risk of a negative impact, especially by imposing the mask mandates to vulnerable subgroups. There is circumstantial evidence that prolonged mask use may be
related to the current observations of stillborn children and reduced verbal motor skills, and overall cognitive performance in children born during the pandemic”, the research concludes. Finally, they pointed out that, as a result, there is a “need to review the mask mandate.”

There is a need to review the mask mandate.

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