Motion for a European Parliament resolution on violation of rights in Italy

Ivan Vilibor Sinčić supported Motion for a Resolution
The European Parliament,
– having regard to Rule 143 of its Rules of Procedure,
A. whereas the EU has introduced the COVID Certificate to facilitate free movement between
Member States and to avoid any discrimination against non-vaccinated persons;
B. whereas the Italian Government has made the Green Pass compulsory for every social activity:
employment, university education, access to public premises and transport;
C. whereas it introduced an absolute presumption of infectivity for non-vaccinated people and of non-
infectivity for vaccinated, both being scientifically unfounded, and forced citizens to receive invasive
and risky health treatment;
D. whereas people for whom vaccines are contraindicated because of previous conditions are also
denied exemption and those with adverse effects do not receive free assistance;
- notes that human rights to individual freedom, employment, equality, education, health, free
expression of thought in Italy are seriously violated and peaceful protests are violently repressed; - calls for the EU to condemn these violations of the rule of law and to call on the Italian
Government to respect the human rights enshrined in the ECHR; - instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Commission, the Council and the Italian
Government and Parliament.