It is time to break the shackles of debt bondage

“Documents leaked from the German government clearly showed that the fear of corona was deliberately generated, and it is similar with European debt. It’s time to put people first. The peoples of Europe are in debt bondage, and the corona crisis has only further deepened that debt bondage. The monetary system we live in, which we have in Europe, is based on making money out of nothing, “ex nihilo”, either by printing or electronically, that is, by pressing a button on a computer, often without coverage. The only way for citizens to get that money is to enter into loans, which are expensive and long-lasting. It is time to break the shackles of debt bondage. It is time for the central banks to pay, therefore, a certain monthly amount directly to the accounts of the citizens. Debt-free, non-refundable, free, positive, non-credit money. I see this way as one of the ways to fund an unconditional universal basic income program. Wealth, colleagues, can only come from freedom. Only free from fear, stress and debt can our fellow citizens realize their full life potential. Only then will we be able to talk about real development.”
Ivan Vilibor Sinčić